This is a series of illustrations made for members of the Young Carers Alliance showcasing the daily tasks young carers do.
The Young Carers Alliance is a growing network of over 200 organisations and 500 individuals committed to improving the lives of young carers, young adult carers and their families. They bring together representatives from research, policy and practice, all of whom are committed to bringing about improved outcomes for all young carers.
The illustrations were made to be used across their e-bulletins, social media, website and printed content, to help raise awareness for the cause.
You can sign up to be part of the Young Carers Alliance as an individual or as an organisation, and can subscribe to the regular e-bulletins through this link.

Bellow, are the illustrations side-by-side with their sketches.

The last two illustrations were made as a small comic strip, to be used for promoting the young carer's rights guidelines:
While making these illustrations, it was really important to me to have them as diverse and as inclusive as possible.
Here are some behind-the-scenes photos of the process of these illustrations.

As the idea of these illustrations is to help the YCA with their mission, you can request permission to use the images for non-profitable reasons like research, advocacy and communication with some of the youngest young carers by emailing or