#ChildhoodWeek is an event created by Beatrice Blue that takes place two times a year (one in summer and one in winter) on Instagram. This was my first time joining.

This time the event consisted of seven prompts, they were: Animal, Dare, Far Away, Shiny, Wild, Fort and Winter. 

First, I made this illustration to announce on instagram that I'd be joining. I wanted to take part in this event because I always find that my art style and skills are refined when I challenge myself to join these types of events. I also wanted to have some fun and meet new artists! 

I sketched all my ideas for the prompts on my sketchbook. I've recently acquired the habit of sketching and brainstorming ideas on paper, instead of doing it digitally. I find that I can sketch faster on paper so it's better when I'm making simple thumbnails and brainstorming ideas like what I did here. After I sketched most of the prompts, I moved to my Ipad to start working on them.

Here are the finished drawings and their sketched of the respective prompts: Animal, Dare, Far Away, Shiny, Wild, Fort and Winter. 


Zodiac Cats Series + Pattern


Greeting Cards for Enksy