UK | 2022 | Colour | 9 min 50 sec | Director
Short Film
Rupert Bell, a 7 years-old aspiring pilot, is bored at home when the mailman arrives with a miss-addressed letter. When Rupert ventures out onto the streets on a mission to find the right addressee - an apparent grumpy old lady named Clarabella - he finds out that first impressions can be miss-leading and that they actually share a mutual passion.
This was my graduation film for my Master at Kingston University.
Lost Letters and Where Do They Go trailer

This film is about loneliness and friendship - and how can they have many different shapes. This film is also about a highly observant child, who sees the world in a very unique way and about an odd friendship that is formed between two people who are in opposite sides of the spectrum of life - a young boy an elderly lady.
Through Rupert’s little adventure - the plot of the film is Rupert venturing out alone on the streets to deliver the letter - I aimed to portray the world through a child’s point-of-view. The genre is drama, but I did want it to have a up-beat tone, however I do believe there’s an intrinsic feeling of loneliness that underlies the whole film and that is present in both characters.

Comparison between the storyboard and the finish film (not graded)
Written and directed by Ana Graça
Produced by Zixuan Li
Cinematographer: An Hsu
Sound recordist: Nan Zhao
Boom Operator: Lihsing Wei and Luke Minet
First A.C and gaffer.: Lewis Shih
Second A.C and gaffer.: Xiannyan Ding
Editor: Satyendranath Bazaaru
Colourist: Ana Graça
A.D.: Satyendranath Bazaaru
Location Manager: Jennifer Escudero
Louie Stow as Rupert Bell
Nicole Kent as Eliza Bell
Elsa Annushka as Clarabella