Brazil | 2018 | Colour | 3 min 50 sec | Director and Editor
Music Video
This a music video for the instrumental version of FVNTO's Faixa 2. With soft and lo-fi hip-hop beats the music videos tells the story of the end of a sapphic love story. Throughout the song, we understand the protagonist's feelings and her healing process from the breakup. The music video plays with high-quality footage and low-quality footage to represent the lo-fi aspects of FVNTO's music.

Storyboard, colour palette inspirations and character moodboard used for production design.
Cast and Crew:
Director: Ana Graça
Screenwriter: Sofia Cardoso
Cinematographer: Maria Duarte
Producer: Danielle Sepulveda
A.D.: Victoria Ribeiro e Gabriel Matos
Production Designer: Isabella Verran
Editor: Ana Graça
Song: Gabriel Matos as FVNTO
Animations and credit design: Ana Graça
Cast: Sofia Cardoso e Isabella Verran